Archives for category: Recreation

Probably this years big snow storm.

We even got in a little bit of skiing before the snow turned wet.

Yesterdays chickpea miso.

In the meantime all the good skiing snow has melted.

We finally have enough snow and cold for skiing. Wonderfull winter excercise!

While the chickpeas soak for tomorrows miso.

And the koji grows.

The hectic holidays are calming down! The seasonal activities like studying seed catalogs, carpentry, skiing and such, as well as koji and miso making are back on the agenda.

First out is a standard rice miso.

With a little jar of experimental thyme tamari. That is – the remaining miso mix with added water and dryed thyme.

I always need more cages to protect my plants and bushes from the ever present animals.

All shapes and sizes

Great for skiing!

We’ve already been out skiing once, which is more than what I have done the last two years. And it’s a good thing I’m done with the digging for this season.

Happy Solstice!

Happy Equinox!

Chanterelle mushrooms dried, ready to stash away.

Rehydrate and they are like new fresh mushrooms full of flavor, excellent for sauces, spreads, pizzas, whatever. Enough for a couple of years probably.

Ya, I’m getting into it. Doing the fall digging for next spring is one of my favorite garden chores

A little bit of yesterddys mowed grass doesn’t hurt.

A lot people prioritise things like bigger, faster, mostest and firstest or more money and less work. Not me, quite the opposite – fun, rest, beauty, artistry and recreation (work) are top priority. I get a lot more profit that way.

Not to speak of the health benefits of dirt, and of course the wonderful smell of fresh turned dirt.